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Would You Take Holy Communion From A Gay Bishop?

Would You Take Holy Communion From A Gay Bishop?

  • Category: Faith
  • Date: 11-08-2021
  • Views: 371

People suspected of being homosexuals or lesbians and their sympathisers will soon be endangered to live in Uganda. The draft law that parliament might approve before long partly recommends death for ...

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The Church Is Right to Honour Saints

The Church Is Right to Honour Saints

  • Category: Faith
  • Date: 22-04-2012
  • Views: 417

 The exhumation of Msgr. Aloysius Ngobya and Sr. Amadeus Byabari, early this year, caused quite a debate. Various people analysed the event based on divergent perceptions. Some viewed the episode ...

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Do Children Need Religion?

Do Children Need Religion?

  • Category: Faith
  • Date: 15-04-2007
  • Views: 377

Time and again, we have held that children are human beings in their own right, requiring an amount of freedom to make choices about their own preferences in life, including how they wish to relate wi ...

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Did Fr. Sixtus Kimaro Get What He Deserved?

Did Fr. Sixtus Kimaro Get What He Deserved?

  • Category: Faith
  • Date: 13-08-2006
  • Views: 513

A priest has been convicted and a sentenced. The Roman Catholic cleric Fr. Sixtus Kimaro (38) was last Wednesday found guilty of committing a repulsive transgression of interleaving his ghastly mascul ...

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 Why Judas Iscariot is the Best Christian

Why Judas Iscariot is the Best Christian

  • Category: Faith
  • Date: 17-04-2006
  • Views: 692

As we conclude celebrations to mark the resurrection of Jesus Christ, let us ask ourselves: Who is the worst man that ever lived in Christian history? Judas Iscariot! Why? He betrayed Jesus!! Such ...

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