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Long Serving Leaders Are a Sign of Disaster

Long Serving Leaders Are a Sign of Disaster

The massacre of the old guards during the Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party primary elections is proof that the Bongo community wants to part with the past. Not that the past was not glorious and worthy ...

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Will Kenya Become East Africa’s Democratic Model?

Will Kenya Become East Africa’s Democratic Model?

The fact that Kenya held a peaceful referendum in a free and fair election shows that greatness does not lie in never falling at all but in rising up every time we fall. Kenya is a country with a tatt ...

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A Divided CCM Is Not a Bad Idea at All

A Divided CCM Is Not a Bad Idea at All

A rose will always be a rose even with another name. The uniqueness of the revolutionary party - chama cha mapinduzi - which has governed Tanzania since independence derived from the credibility of he ...

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Mwalimu Nyerere Was as Good as His People

Mwalimu Nyerere Was as Good as His People

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride them’, an old adage goes. Every country in Africa and, possibly elsewhere in the world, wishes they had a leader like Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere b ...

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It’s Time to Pull Deadwood Out of Parliament

It’s Time to Pull Deadwood Out of Parliament

You recall vividly the political slogan that Jakaya Kikwete (JK) espoused as he ascended the presidency of Bongo four years ago. Everything would be new: ‘New vigour, new zeal, and new speed&rsq ...

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