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Curiosity Killed the Cat - And It Came Back

Curiosity Killed the Cat - And It Came Back

I wanted to understand the gist of the proverb, “Curiosity killed the cat”, and I went about searching various sources. I have learnt that this proverb is used to warn people about the pro ...

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Break the Boundaries, Reach the Heights

Break the Boundaries, Reach the Heights

Mountains and rivers know the secret of success because they pay no attention to boundaries - Brian Andreas.  A river flows from one area to another, without paying attention to the artificial bo ...

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Get Time to Be Alone, Silent

Get Time to Be Alone, Silent

“Yahweh God said, ‘It is not good for Man to be alone…” (Genesis 2:18a). God, in this text, clearly stresses the need for everyone to keep company with other people. Moments o ...

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Accept Humiliation, Keep Your Dignity

Accept Humiliation, Keep Your Dignity

“I will demean myself even more than this, and will be humiliated in my own eyes, but I will be honoured by the female servants you are talking about!” (2 Samuel 6:22). King David made ...

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Speak Your Mind All the Time

Speak Your Mind All the Time

A story is told of an official who came across information that was damaging to the company he worked for. He did not share the information because he feared that his boss might fire him for being the ...

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