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You Too Can Eat A Dog and Live

You Too Can Eat A Dog and Live

Bongo never stops to amaze. Last week on Thursday, Nazir Fazal chastised the Chinese for relishing dog meat at the cost of residents’ emotional calm. In his letter titled “Our dogs ending ...

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I Like a Fighting Woman

I Like a Fighting Woman

When former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson pledged to return into the boxing ring last year, he savoured the idea of doing a World Tour where he would no longer fight men, except women. Analysts said ...

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When a Thief and an Upright Person Resemble

When a Thief and an Upright Person Resemble

How many of us would come across a roadside parcel, evidently filled with enormous notes of money and walk away, leaving it untouched? You have no doubt the cash has dropped from a stranger’s po ...

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They Are Rich Because We Are Poor

They Are Rich Because We Are Poor

I am proud to be an African. Reason? Whenever I turn on my bed indolently, someone in Europe, especially Tony Blair sits pensively all night, worried that I might pack and head to the graveyard if he ...

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A Bishop in Court? God Gracious!

A Bishop in Court? God Gracious!

If you went to Kigoma and gathered people to tell them that you are President Kikwete’s envoy, sent to distribute cash among the poor members of the community, there is no doubt that you would b ...

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