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Rosemary Namubiru’s Crime Was HIV. Nothing Else.

Rosemary Namubiru’s Crime Was HIV. Nothing Else.

  • Category: Health
  • Date: 25-05-2014
  • Views: 1225

On 19 May 2014, a magistrate in Kampala delivered a landmark ruling, convicting a nurse, Rosemary Namubiru, of criminal negligence and deliberate attempt to infect a patient with HIV. The case arose f ...

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We Are Treating AIDS Like a Woman Treats Her Wedded Partner

We Are Treating AIDS Like a Woman Treats Her Wedded Partner

  • Category: Health
  • Date: 15-08-2010
  • Views: 291

President Barrack Obama of the United States of America has lamented that international aid agencies may soon become fatigued with the spread of HIV in the African region. For every person enlisted fo ...

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When Having HIV Is A Crime!

When Having HIV Is A Crime!

  • Category: Health
  • Date: 01-11-2009
  • Views: 286

Some diseases can cause great distress and embarrassment to their sufferers. A person, who is facing a health problem, becomes an object of laughter and is blamed both for their state of health and pr ...

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Bukoba Fighting AIDS By All Means

Bukoba Fighting AIDS By All Means

  • Category: Health
  • Date: 30-09-2007
  • Views: 354

Bukoba: They dance, they sing, they dramatise against the HIV monster! They call it all sorts of awful names: “the killer”, “the tormentor”, “the merciless”, &ldquo ...

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Children as Foot Soldiers against AIDS

Children as Foot Soldiers against AIDS

  • Category: Health
  • Date: 14-08-2005
  • Views: 305

AIDS will continue to grow by lips and bounds because in fighting it, the wrong people are carrying the wrong message to the wrong audience and inevitably deriving the wrong results. Consequently ...

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