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An Official Review of Where There is a Will

An Official Review of Where There is a Will

  • Category: Reviews
  • Date 12-02-2020


Book Cover

3 out of 4 stars

Where There Is a Will: God Does Not Have Favorites by Venansio Ahabwe is a non-fiction story that combines his real life experiences and the lessons he learned from them. Venansio grew up in Africa and lead a tumultuous, eventful life. He attributes his life and accomplishments to God. His book quotes scripture as well as other sources and is made to help others have faith by showing how it has helped and molded his life.

I most enjoyed the personal story of the author. I found his life to be incredibly interesting and I really like how he was able to take lessons from everything that occurred in his life and remained a humble person. Another aspect of the book I enjoyed was how the chapters were broken up into the lessons to be learned from it. This made it feel like a self-help book and made it easy to understand the take-away.

What I disliked the most about this book was the amount of quotes. I really enjoyed the parts the author wrote himself and I think that quotes can be used to help further the point. However, sometimes there were several different quotes in a row and the entire page would only consist of quotes. I felt that this amount was too large and happened too frequently. I also did not like how he referred to his parents by their first names. It made them seem like characters and not like he was talking about his own life.

I would rate this book a 3 out of 4 stars. I would not rate it lower at 2-stars because the book was well edited and felt educational. I also enjoyed learning about the author’s personal experiences. I would not rate the book a perfect 4-stars however. This is because despite its relatively short length, it felt dry and there were too many quotes. I would have enjoyed the story more if it contained more of his own thoughts and experiences.

I would recommend this book for readers interested in scripture and religion. This book contains many quotes from scripture and applies it to real life circumstances so people looking to apply this thinking to their own lives would find this book helpful and enjoyable. There is no profanity in the book so readers of all ages could enjoy but I believe the content is more geared towards an older audience who have an understanding of the bible.

Where There Is a Will
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