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Kikwete Replacement Superb

Kikwete Replacement Superb

I have been treating myself to salsa and foxtrot ever since news streamed in that newly elected President of the United Republic of Tanzania, His Excellency Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, has named a new cabinet. For my part, the key aspect of this maiden government to capture my curiosity was the elevation of women in government echelons. More so the appointment, to the foreign affairs ministry, of Hon. Dr. Asha-Rose Migiro - former minister of Community Development, Gender and Children.

I cannot hazard whatsoever about the goings-on in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where Asha-Rose has been installed. Equally, I have not the slightest assurance of Hon. Migiro’s suitability for the placement, neither her personal proffer for that position to make a credible minister of that calibre; the calibre of a Foreign Affairs Minister! In addition, I must proclaim my own lack of sufficient knowledge for international diplomacy, let alone the responsibilities of an ordinary minister – I have never been one!

All I believe, sightlessly tough, is that a Minister of Foreign Affairs is the second most important person in government, after the President. Let not me be crucified for flaunting my ignorance in public, yet even if I would not, it would be sustained in my mind. I will nonetheless undertake to be my own advocate.

Our recent experience ought to be evidence for this seemingly outrageous assertion stated above. By appointing Asha-Rose as Minister of Foreign Affairs, the President has basically removed himself from that office, surrendering both his chair and wallet to the lucky lady! It is where Kikwete has been a minister, upon which he walked straight to State House as President!

Suppose Asha-Rose was a good learner, she would know where to go next!! Why not? Kikwete has been holding the foreign affairs portfolio all this time and knows perfectly what it demands. His performance has been good enough to propel him to the Presidency. It is therefore expected that his choice of a successor is most likely faultless.

We could say that it is not always true that leaders are comfortable being succeeded by capable people. A selfish leader would prefer a less competent person as a replacement, to avoid being outshone. Mr. Kikwete would hopefully not make such a mistake, since Tanzanians believe that he has the nation at heart, looking at the support he got at the polls; he had to identify someone with the appropriate capability to step in his shoes.

That being the case, we take the appointment as a vote of confidence in Hon. Migiro and look forward to seeing her act and walk like her predecessor, knowing that if Mr. Kikwete had to pass the mantle of office to her today, he might not hesitate to do so again tomorrow. It is now on record thus “Tanzania’s President H.E. J. K. Kikwete hands over his office to A. R. Migiro”!

Technically, the Vice President is the second while the Prime Minister is the third in the official (government) hierarchy. After the President however a Minister of Foreign Affairs is the country’s quintessence (a perfect signal of national values) to the rest of the world. I daresay; as the most senior diplomat, Tanzania’s Asha-Rose Migiro is the equivalent of America’s Condoleezza Rice.

The government will as ever transact all business with the outside world through Migiro’s ministry. She will be at the centre of international politics, dining and communing with kings and queens. She becomes the country’s “public relations officer”. This will furnish her with enormous exposure to how various governments operate world over and enrich her entire political spectrum.

That is the raison d'être, I have been rejoicing. Clear reason: the ministry of foreign affairs is undoubtedly a chief department, having produced our current President.

“When dry thunder tears the breast of the sky before our eyes, do we forget the storm of yesterday”?

By Venansio Ahabwe

Source: Peering Eye, Sunday Citizen