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When It Is Necessary To Abandon the Job

When It Is Necessary To Abandon the Job

The process of creation, as described in sacred scripture, did not take forever for God to accomplish. In a space of six days, He created light and decked the sky with the sun and the moon. He moulded the earth and gifted it with all manner of plants, animals, creeping beings and winged birds. He formed the sea and all monsters that dwell in water. “By the seventh day, the work God had done was completed and he rested…” (Genesis 2:2).

Reflections on writing for Leadership
In 2011, this writer started the ‘Gospel Truth’ column, which essentially presented the view that every person has infinite, God-given ability to excel in any field because a human being is naturally endowed with divine favour, which makes him a conqueror. One’s power increases with one’s strength of character which cannot be thwarted by the challenges of life. St Paul indeed counsels, “…in all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37).

From time to time, the readers contacted this writer mainly to express appreciation for the inspirational articles that featured in this column. As a result, the author collected all these editorials and translated them into a single volume titled: Where There Is A Will – God does not have favourites. The first edition of this book was printed by Xlibris Publishers in 2016 while the second edition was published by Page Turner Press and Media in 2019. This book is available at St Paul’s Book Centre and at the Uganda Museum.
In 2016, the column was given a new name: ‘Office Ethics’ because the author turned attention to workplace issues.

This column too retained a scriptural stance and endeavoured to explore the biblical perspectives about employment, management and the workplace in general. Your columnist utilised scriptures to remind readers of their mystical obligation to execute workplace mandates without hindrance and to illustrate the connection between human endeavour and Divine providence.

The column stressed that while some workers take advantage of their circumstances, including setbacks, to advance their careers, others succumb to the predictable workplace trials and lose steam. All the articles printed in this column will also form content for a new book soon to be published with the title: There Is A Way – How To Manage A Manager. In this book, the writer provides a classic analysis of workplace experiences that both employers and employees undergo. He raises the questions that every business must tackle in order to reap maximum benefits from all their personnel.

Word of thanks
I am exceedingly grateful to the Leadership Magazine community: Managing Director and the entire editorial team, fellow writers and contributors, subscribers, esteemed readers, distributors, well-wishers, supporters, and all people of goodwill who are proudly associated with this great publication. This has been a great privilege for me to sharpen my writing skills, share my views, research on various topics, entertain some readers and connect with different audiences.

Glory to God.
Your columnist will now take a break after ten years of continuous writing in Leadership magazine. This has been necessitated by the advent of new responsibilities, taking up a significant portion on my time and thus making it difficult for me to write. By God’s grace, I might write again for this magazine in future. “Sometimes, life gives you a second chance, or even two” – Dave Wilson.

By Venasio Ahabwe

Source: Leadership Magazine