Humans are innately decent, and every person is capable of being and doing good. According to the great philosopher, Socrates, every person is born with a desire to be good, just and moral. Wrong doing is not a natural element; it is involuntary.That is why it is common for people to provide gifts and other favours to those in need such as the sick, wounded, abandoned, beggars, and refugees.
However, society sometimes displays contradictions, appearing to promote inhumane and immoral actions or even defend the perpetrators. The fact is that, society can praise misconduct when they are mistaken about what is good. They can take actions and decisions based on wrong facts.
Can a person do wrong as a choice? The answer is ‘YES’. There are moments and events when people choose to be wicked and may knowingly violate social etiquette. One reason is a mental condition described as ‘sadism’ that causes a person to derive pleasure from the pain of others. Such a person will intentionally find ways to hurt somebody or a community through spiteful behaviours and actions and celebrate the resultant suffering.
Low self-teem can also lead to intentional misconduct because the culprit would feel overwhelmed by personal flaws. Such a person views himself as unlovable, weak or incapable of getting honour. He perceives that he can uplift himself by ruining the wellbeing of others. He inflicts harm on other people as he struggles to overcome his negative self-view. He becomes malicious to compensate for his inadequacies. Unless such a person is helped, he may reach a point of no return.
By Venansio Ahabwe
Author, Teacher, Social Scientist.