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Your Age Is Defined by Your Lifestyle!

Your Age Is Defined by Your Lifestyle!

  • Category: Gender
  • Date: 20-08-2006
  • Views: 242

This year alone, some of the world’s notable personalities celebrated their “youthful old age” with pomp. Among them was Queen Elizabeth of Britain who turned eighty in April, presid ...

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I Wish Hon. Meghji Was Truly Pro-Women in Outlook

I Wish Hon. Meghji Was Truly Pro-Women in Outlook

  • Category: Gender
  • Date: 09-07-2006
  • Views: 365

The Minister of Finance Hon. Zakia Meghji has stressed, “As the first woman Finance Minister in the East and Central African region, I saw it was important that the budget targets women who make ...

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Men Are Not Passive Followers of Women

Men Are Not Passive Followers of Women

  • Category: Gender
  • Date: 18-06-2006
  • Views: 403

Dr C. Sanga of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare recently made a disturbing revelation! While officiating at a workshop in Dar es Salaam, attended by Mainland regional administrative secretari ...

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You Too May Be Guilty of Keeping a Slave in Your House

You Too May Be Guilty of Keeping a Slave in Your House

  • Category: Gender
  • Date: 11-06-2006
  • Views: 547

We have been accusing the white man of buying, selling and also keeping slaves for use in fields, plantations, homes, mines etc. Perhaps you have been to Bagamoyo to see the historical slave market. A ...

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Children Are Complete Losers in Family Violence!

Children Are Complete Losers in Family Violence!

  • Category: Gender
  • Date: 30-04-2006
  • Views: 255

An eight-month boy Johnson Meskack dropped from his mother’s back, fell headlong to the ground and died instantly! This was during a clash between her parents, whereby Hezron Jackson of Ntyuka v ...

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