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When a Stranger Resembles Your Dearest Companion

When a Stranger Resembles Your Dearest Companion

  • Category: Gender
  • Date: 19-03-2006
  • Views: 270

What makes many people’s ability to accurately recognise the things and persons they know? It might be difficult for someone to spontaneously tell the number of buttons on their shirt; the colou ...

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Join Your Lady In A Labour-Ward!

Join Your Lady In A Labour-Ward!

  • Category: Gender
  • Date: 12-03-2006
  • Views: 463

Women who undergo childbirths tell of indescribable levels of pain they experience inside the labour ward, while delivering a child.  Some say that the moment of labour amounts to a near-death in ...

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Eliminating Female Humans to Cater for Males

Eliminating Female Humans to Cater for Males

  • Category: Gender
  • Date: 15-02-2006
  • Views: 217

Is it curse or witchcraft that bedevils women? They are forever beleaguered with misfortune, much of it occasioned on them by themselves, or by collaborating with men to do away with their own breed. ...

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Don’t Celebrate with Pregnant Girls in Schools

Don’t Celebrate with Pregnant Girls in Schools

  • Category: Gender
  • Date: 05-02-2006
  • Views: 359

A three-decade law banning pregnant girls from attending school has been scrapped by Zanzibar Parliament. Prior, girls under 18 who became pregnant had to drop out of school and could not return, a la ...

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Would He Marry His Pregnant Girl?

Would He Marry His Pregnant Girl?

  • Category: Gender
  • Date: 29-01-2006
  • Views: 239

“My girlfriend is pregnant!” lamented the upset chap. “I cannot marry her. I am going to murder her instead!” he upheld, as tears rolled down his cheeks. He was sandwiched in a ...

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