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The Raped Girl Cannot Be Left Alone!

The Raped Girl Cannot Be Left Alone!

  • Category: Gender
  • Date: 08-01-2006
  • Views: 326

One could not avoid being thunderstruck by the rape incident of a young schoolgirl reported in this Paper towards the close of last year. For a 15year old pupil to be raped by a three-man gang for two ...

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Miss Tanzania: What More Will You Offer?

Miss Tanzania: What More Will You Offer?

  • Category: Gender
  • Date: 01-01-2006
  • Views: 534

A good woman is a gift from God, says a religious source. As for a good man, one needs to read deeper into the scriptures, for the reason that we are always taken for granted – if a man is good, ...

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Why Do Women Accept To Be Punching Bags?

Why Do Women Accept To Be Punching Bags?

  • Category: Gender
  • Date: 04-12-2005
  • Views: 288

You can use a woman as a rope to hang another woman and she will gladly execute the ignoble task with stark precision. Women have occupied the underdog place in human affairs and have strangely labour ...

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It Is Better To Die Making Peace than Live Causing Trouble

It Is Better To Die Making Peace than Live Causing Trouble

  • Category: Gender
  • Date: 23-10-2005
  • Views: 287

Saving a woman from her husband can sometimes be necessary and proper. The question on the other hand becomes: what do you do with a woman after rescuing her from her lover? It is with such a question ...

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How Do We Absolve Women From Witchcraft?

How Do We Absolve Women From Witchcraft?

  • Category: Gender
  • Date: 14-08-2005
  • Views: 246

Whenever a malicious witch is mentioned, the image of a woman comes to mind: a subject of blame, ridicule and victimisation. While witchdoctors are usually men whose work apparently is to mitigate cer ...

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