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Tragedy as African Children Lead a Rebellion

Tragedy as African Children Lead a Rebellion

  • Category: Children
  • Date: 19-06-2005
  • Views: 880

The day of the African child, which falls on 16th June every year, is a celebration of brutality. Twenty-nine years ago, at the height of the apartheid craze in South Africa, brutality against the Afr ...

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Murdering a Hated Child

Murdering a Hated Child

  • Category: Children
  • Date: 06-03-2005
  • Views: 289

“I would kill such a useless child!” shouted a man, evidently disturbed that a child was crying bitterly, as we travelled from Morogoro aboard Abood Bus. “Why on earth should a child ...

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A Vote of Gratitude to President Mkapa

A Vote of Gratitude to President Mkapa

  • Category: Children
  • Date: 21-11-2004
  • Views: 597

Bravo ndugu Benjamin Mkapa! Your Excellency, if I had the means, I would seek you out wherever you are and shake your five. But being such a humble subject, let me simply write to register my heartfel ...

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Chaos As Parents Create a Vacuum That Nobody Else Can Fill

Chaos As Parents Create a Vacuum That Nobody Else Can Fill

  • Category: Children
  • Date: 07-09-2003
  • Views: 1238

A parent is the first teacher of a child. A home is a child’s first school. It is the basic community from which a child learns language, behaviour and other traits. Today, we have become so ...

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Let Children Cry to Communicate

Let Children Cry to Communicate

  • Category: Children
  • Date: 15-10-2000
  • Views: 413

“Beat him! Beat that silly child! Why on earth, should a child cry so bitterly as though he has been terribly hurt or beaten,” cries out a man, occupying a seat neighbouring that of t ...

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