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Proposal to Stop Ruffian Robbery

Proposal to Stop Ruffian Robbery

When Mr. JK assumed the presidency last year, he coined a slogan that would be the hallmark of his administration: new zeal, new vigour and new speed! All are new. Peering Eye has nonetheless been ...

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Fun is For the Young, Not the Elderly!

Fun is For the Young, Not the Elderly!

You are invited to a party by some folks to celebrate with them their particular accomplishment in life.  You hope to join a jolly crowd and rejoice with food, drink, dance, shaggy dog stories, a ...

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Do Not Promote Urban Chaos!

Do Not Promote Urban Chaos!

If Tanzania were Zimbabwe, major worldwide journalists would be reserving for us all international negative headlines in the global media. Britain and America would be so critical as to deny us aid an ...

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Is An American Prisoner Better Off Than An African Mayor?

Is An American Prisoner Better Off Than An African Mayor?

 “I would rather be in prison in America than in the Mayor’s office in Kampala,” supporters of the Mayor of Kampala city Al Hajj Nasser Ntege Ssebagala habitually told his criti ...

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Don’t Starve With Wild Animals; Kill and Eat Them

Don’t Starve With Wild Animals; Kill and Eat Them

Why should man be the first to surrender in a battle between humans and beasts? Press reports have indicated that somewhere in the country, the long running drought has touched off a nasty confrontati ...

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