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The Roof of the Sky to Collapse Over Dar

The Roof of the Sky to Collapse Over Dar

The roof of the sky might collapse on the residents of the city any time. I am no expert meteorologist but one does not have to possess a PhD to state what is judged likely to happen in connection wit ...

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National Hand-Washing Competitions Needed

National Hand-Washing Competitions Needed

Poverty, ignorance, and disease are known to be the compelling characteristics of the countries in the third world, including our own. For the sake of politeness, a consoling term has been adopted to ...

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Why City Water, Not City Gas

Why City Water, Not City Gas

Ever heard of a proverbial woman who grew old by drawing empty buckets from a dry well? Some people, such as I, have ever attempted to grow even older by fetching empty air from dry water taps! For ...

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Mkapa Disarms a Terrorist

Mkapa Disarms a Terrorist

Like you and many other people, I do concede that Ben is a brilliant chap. I sympathise with those sons of women who have ever dared him to a political contest. Little wonder that he has severally sho ...

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Abolish Mosquito Net Adverts As Well!

Abolish Mosquito Net Adverts As Well!

A doomed animal does not hear a hunter’s horn! It is perhaps the reason a lot of money is going into advertising to persuade the population to buy and use mosquito nets to prevent malaria. Adver ...

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